Getting Started

You can be up and running with the absio Python library in minutes. Follow the guide below to rapidly create and share encrypted content between users.

Obtaining an API Key

The absio library requires a valid API Key that must be passed into the initialize() function. Obtain an API Key by contacting us here or sending an email to An API key should be considered private and protected as such.

Quick Start

  1. Installation:

    pip install absio cryptography --no-binary=cryptography
  2. Import and initialize the module:

    import absio
    absio.initialize(api_key='your api key')
  3. Create accounts:

    alice = absio.user.create('password', 'reminder', 'passphrase')
    bob = absio.user.create('password', 'reminder', 'passphrase')
  4. Log in with an account:

    absio.login(, 'password', 'passphrase')
  5. Create and share an Absio Secured Container:

    container = absio.container.create(
        header={'some sensitive metadata': None},
        content=open('/some/sensitive/data.bin', 'rb').read(),
  6. Securely access this container from another system:

    absio.login(, 'password', 'passphrase')
    # Access the container with the container ID returned during creation, or a Container Event.
    container = absio.container.get('container_id')