Getting Started =============== You can be up and running with the ``absio`` Python library in minutes. Follow the guide below to rapidly create and share encrypted content between users. .. _get_api_key: Obtaining an API Key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``absio`` library requires a valid API Key that must be passed into the :func:`initialize() ` function. Obtain an API Key by contacting us here_ or sending an email to An API key should be considered private and protected as such. .. _quickstart: Quick Start ~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Installation:: pip install absio cryptography --no-binary=cryptography #. Import and initialize the module:: import absio absio.initialize(api_key='your api key') #. Create accounts:: alice = absio.user.create('password', 'reminder', 'passphrase') bob = absio.user.create('password', 'reminder', 'passphrase') #. Log in with an account:: absio.login(, 'password', 'passphrase') #. Create and share an Absio Secured Container:: container = absio.container.create( header={'some sensitive metadata': None}, content=open('/some/sensitive/data.bin', 'rb').read(), access=[,], ) #. Securely access this container from another system:: absio.login(, 'password', 'passphrase') # Access the container with the container ID returned during creation, or a Container Event. container = absio.container.get('container_id') .. _here: